Dr. Jim Ausfahl has created one of the most detailed and meticulously organized meal recipe lists for long-term bulk dry & freeze-dried goods. He has created these recipes in single-serving sizes, designed as DIY meals for a Bug Out Bag. However, his measurements and instructions can easily be scaled up to meet the needs of families who are preparing bulk dry or freeze-dried ingredients in a BUG IN scenario as well.
The goal of this Pocket Field Guide is to provide do-it-yourself recipes for making your own vacuum-sealed, single-serving meals for a Bug Out Bag. The recipes here are all constructed to be added to one cup (240 ml) of water and cooked until the water is fully absorbed; they are then ready to consume. Ingredient for these meals are readily available through a variety of supplies and are items that suitable for long-term dry storage packed away in a Bug Out Bag.